What is your favorite thing about your job? Here some examples of questions you can include for this icebreaker: Have everyone type one to two questions into the virtual meeting's chat, and you can decide if the questions relate to work or not.

This involves gathering a list of questions and having your colleagues randomly choose a question to answer. Most likely to work on a project outside of their comfort zone Here are some examples of superlatives you can use: The superlatives can relate to your industry, like who is the most likely to secure five investments by the end of your sales period, or they can be more random, like who is the tallest. To play the game, you state a superlative, like someone who is most likely to end up on a television show, and then each employee votes on which member of their team fits the superlative. This is a game that requires prior knowledge of your colleagues, so it's best to play it if you've worked with your colleagues for a longer period of time. Related: 55 "Get To Know You" Questions for the Workplace 2.

The group can ask you questions to better determine which is the lie. You can determine what the facts should be about, like if you want to share a fact about your family, pets, hobbies or a favorite food of yours. Your colleagues must then guess which fact is the lie. This is a game that encourages creativity by having individuals think of two facts about themselves that are true and one fact that is a lie. Here are several icebreakers that you can use while in a virtual meeting: 1. Related: 42 Unique Team-Building Icebreakers 18 online icebreakers Using an icebreaker activity at the beginning of a virtual meeting allows team members to feel more comfortable, while using an icebreaker during the middle of a meeting offers a chance to take a break and relax. Icebreakers give colleagues a chance to learn more about each other.

Online icebreakers are activities that help individuals in virtual meetings connect and establish trust. In this article, we discuss the icebreakers you can use in a virtual meeting to boost creativity and enhance team-building. If you take part in virtual meetings, learning about different online icebreakers can be useful for you. Online icebreakers can include games, brainstorming sessions and creative communication techniques. When working remotely, icebreakers can help individuals learn more about their colleagues and establish meaningful connections.