National Organization for Rare Disorders. Wide pupils signal an excited or scared cat. Therefore, the treatment will be contingent upon the cause. People with CES may have a defect called coloboma that results in an elongated pupil, which resembles a cat’s eye. Cat eye syndrome (CES), also known as Schmid-Fraccaro syndrome, is a very rare genetic disorder that’s usually evident at birth. Emergency veterinary care may help prevent or delay blindness. Nevertheless, the causes of this abnormality are extremely diverse and may need urgent attention, reason why it is necessary to urgently go to an ophthalmologist in case different size of pupils is detected. If you notice one of your cat’s pupils is dilated and the other isn’t, contact your vet right away. In that case, an appointment with the Department of Neuro-ophthalmology should be scheduled, in which al necessary tests will be performed.Īs it is not a disease itself, anisocoria may, in several cases, not need treatment. the anatomical pupil is the eyes aperture and the iris is the aperture stop. Uneven pupil size, or anisocoria, may be a normal variation in a person’s eyes or may indicate an underlying problem. In the mirror, the pupil of the eye appears as a black circle in the middle of the iris (the colored part of the eye).

Hence, in case a difference in pupil size is detected, it is imperative to urgently go to the ophthalmologist in order to rule out any risky situation. Pupillary Disorders Including Anisocoria. Corneal inflammation (keratitis) Eyelid mass Cataracts They are some of the most common eye claims submitted for cats by ASPCA Pet Health Insurance customers. However, there are also cases of newborns with different pupil size that may not present any underlying disease.Īnisocoria is not a disease itself, and it may not have any effect on the patient’s health, but it can also be a sign caused by several conditions, from damages in ocular nerves caused by strokes to tumours or traumas. Muscles that dilate and contract the pupil regulate the amount of light entering the eye.Īnisocoria is defined as a perceptible asymmetry between the pupil size, and it is due to a different state of dilation i each eye that may suggest an underlying condition. Cornea the clear, front surface of the eyeball. Conjunctiva - the soft, pink tissues inside the eyelids and around the eyeball. Eyelids - cats have three eyelids the upper lid, lower lid and a third eyelid in the inside corner of the eye, beneath the outer lids. Causes Of Eye Problems (Picture Credit: Getty Images) A lot of things, from injury to illness, can cause eye problems in your cat. Red eyes: If your cat’s eyes are red or cloudy, take your kitty to the vet. Pupil is the part of the human eye that allows the light in, enabling us to see. See our image below explaining basic eye anatomy. Crusty discharge: If your cat has a lot of crusty discharge around their eyes, this could be a sign that their eyes are very sick. Usually, pupil size in humans is fairly similar in both eyes and variations are so small that they are not even noticeable to the naked eye.